Thursday, December 27, 2012

Kill 'Em (Government Backed Unions) All

"Overheated rhetoric is a hallmark of every campaign season. But the GOP's and Romney's positions on labor and collective bargaining-from support for a federal union-weakening "right-to-work" law to eliminating most public-sector bargaining rights-are genuinely to the right of where they were even four years ago. With unions now accounting for less than 12 percent of the workforce (down from 36 percent in the 1950s), it is now possible to imagine a country devoid of labor power, replaced by a corporate vision of "employee empowerment and workplace flexibility," as the GOP 2012 platform puts it."

Amazing. Unions make the GOP enemy number one, and the GOP reciprocates. Imagine that. Too bad Romney wasn't more vocal with this plan, I'd have been donating from way back. There are few things more destructive to Americans and workers specifically than unions backed by a coercive Federal monopoly.

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