Sunday, August 26, 2018

Plastic in the Ocean from Where?

Where does the plastic come from?

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Pure As The Wind Driven Snow

Press puff pieces highlighted the résumés of his superstars—of Lisa Page (no comment needed), Peter Strzok (less than no comment needed), Jeannie Rhee (a former attorney for the Clinton Foundation, Ben Rhodes, and for a bit Hillary Clinton), Andrew Weissman (Clinton zealot, Obama and DNC donor, and the cheerleader to Sally Yates’s refusal to carry out a presidential order), Aaron Zebley (the former attorney for Clinton staffer Justin Cooper who set up the infamous Clinton home server and smashed to bits her mobile devices), and a host of other pros, who were all shortly to prove Trump-Russian “collusion.”

Yes, it was all dirty and I suspect it will continue to be dirty, and it likely always was dirty.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Demographics is Destiny

The trend varies among demographic groups. Native-born Hispanics and blacks used to have birth rates above the replacement rate (2.1 births per woman). Now they're below replacement, almost as low that of as native-born whites and Asians, which are down only a bit. The immigrant birth rate remains above replacement level among blacks, but only barely above among Hispanics, and below among whites and Asians.
One possible consequence: Those often-gleeful predictions that whites will soon be a minority will not be realized so soon, or maybe ever. Nor is it clear, as sociologist Richard Alba has suggested, whether often-intermarrying Hispanics and Asians will see themselves as aggrieved minorities. They might just blend in, like Italians and Poles.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Power Corrupts, yada yada yada

Has it ever been more clear how dirty the election fight was? The more power we cede, the greater their motivation to win at any cost.

Kill CAFE', Make Me Smile

This article is the sort of empty headed logic that makes it clear why no one should buy newspapers nor rely on newspaper writers for analysis.

First, if they have to meet a fuel efficiency standard across the fleet, why not make it 100 or 1000 miles per gallon? Why just 50? While we're setting these government standards, why not make it a crime to build an auto and/or not allow new autos to be sold since the building of a vehicle emits as much carbon as a lifetime of driving it?

The author makes it sound like electric cars are great pollution reducers - but they are not in the least, unless the electricity is coming from nuclear power. Even then, the carbon emitted in the production of the batteries is only brought back to even about the time the battery dies. Electric cars will only dent emissions when electricity is fully produced by non-carbon sources. Until then, electric is much ado about nothing. Besides, they are no where near doing what a normally powered auto can do.

The fuel economy standards amount to a back door method of idiot empty headed food trough wiping politicians to dictate what cars you and I can buy - if 50mpg is the standard, we will only be able to choose from tiny autos. You and I wouldn't stand for it if pols tried to do that directly, but for some reason we fall for their virtue posturing efforts with CAFE standards that are absurd.

If stupid is as stupid does, we're all stupid for putting up with 40+ years of CAFE.

Saturday, August 4, 2018