Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Predictive Formula of Climate Change

The Cause of the Earth's Climate Change Is the Sun
"Dr. Glassman is the first scientist to show that the modern temperature record is contained in the reconstructed history of solar activity, and to advance a model for how that occurs. In his model, the ocean acts to absorb solar energy and return it to the atmosphere decades to centuries later, causing certain patterns in the Sun’s activity to be suppressed and other patterns to be reinforced as they affect Earth’s climate. The variations in the Sun’s activity are small, but are quickly amplified by clouds. This is a novel model for cloud reflectivity, called cloud albedo, in which increases in solar activity cause decreases in cloud cover by direct atmospheric warming, allowing more sunlight to reach Earth’s surface.

This rapid decrease in cloud cover to solar activity runs opposite to the slow increase in cloud cover caused by global warming, which adds humidity to the atmosphere to increase cloudiness. In this way, he says cloud albedo regulates Earth’s surface temperature in warm interglacial periods, capping Earth’s temperature within a few degrees of the present temperature. This, he says, doesn’t stop the greenhouse effect, but reduces its effect by at least one fourth. In the deep cold of the glacial minima known as ice ages, he notes that the atmosphere will be extremely dry and cloudless, turning off any greenhouse effect. In this condition, Earth’s temperature is controlled by the albedo effect of the surface because it is then covered by ice and snow, turning off the Sun and leaving Earth’s temperature to be the result of its internal heat.
Because the Sun variations match Earth’s temperature extremely well, human activities can be ruled out as a cause of observed global warming. However, the global warming movement, since 1988 headed by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), claims that the “fingerprint” of human activities are found in climate related measurements. Dr. Glassman investigates each of these claims and shows how they are false and scientific error."
I've met and corresponded with Dr. Glassman and he's a fine gentleman.  I'm not just saying that because he's a former Naval Aviator.  He has also been a very generous teacher.  


  1. Nice summary! The CFJ's comments were getting crazy and anything I said I thought would get lost or shouted down in the noise over there.

    As a scientist/engineer, I thought I understood the AGW issues. Then coming to CF years ago Dr. Glassman (and a few others) mentioned a few things in the CF mainsite's comments that made me do more research and eventually changed my mind.

    It's great to see the GW issues and processes he talked about sproatically over the years brought into one coherent work.

    Please pass this along if you get the chance, back when I still posted to the main site I used the name "penty."

  2. Penty, thanks for stopping by! I will pass the word when next I see the Doctor. Paul
