Sunday, July 5, 2020

Diversity Slight of Hand

As I read this I remember how in my youth, one would likely have been locked out of several professions in my part of the world if they did not profess their Christian faith. Certainly no one could be elected to office if they were not male and a devoted Christian (which did not prevent their unChristian behaviors). This "do as I say, not as I do" process is dominant still but with new rules about the right beliefs. 

While liberal diversity culture can go as far as advocating for outright racial quotas there is very little discussion of promoting differing modes of thought or true multiculturalism. In fact, in the progressive spaces where I have worked, it increasingly appears that the desired outcome is for employees to look different but think exactly the same; the end state is a mono culture that defeats the whole point of meaningful diversity. Where, for instance, are the liberal publications preaching the value of diversity that are also recruiting more pro-life writers? Polling shows Hispanics, America's most populous minority group, tend to be more conservative on abortion issues than the rest of the population, a position that has nothing to do with race and everything to do with religious values.

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