Thursday, April 12, 2018


Couldn't be overstated.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Excellent Distinction in Education

But the conflict between choice and local control is very real across much of suburban and rural America — especially in red states, where parents and community members tend to be satisfied with and protective of their local schools. The vast majority of the nation’s 14,000 districts are small, fully a third consisting of just one or two schools. In the 70 percent of school districts that enroll fewer than 2,500 students, individual relationships with the local schools tend to be personal.
Across much of the nation, the zip-code-based schools that education reformers decry are a hub of the community. They help define local identity. Their sports teams are sources of pride and an anchor of routine. Their accomplishments and foibles are touchstones of local conversation. They offer predictability; parents know where their children will go to school. It is easier for children to become friends with children who live nearby and for parents to get to know their neighbors. In this way, local schools serve as engines of social capital — bringing people together and strengthening communities.

I love the school choice idea but agree this argument is substantive and one not considered in the common dialogue. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Shady - Seems Like A Polite Term

And it also seems completely predictable since power in the hands of government is always going to be for sale at some level.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Something Liberals and Conservatives Should Be Able To Agree On

The justices seemed to indicate the answer is “No,” but mainly because the California law was so manifestly written to target pro-life pregnancy centers. What if the law were more fairly written? The pro-life side will argue that the cases are completely different inasmuch as “informed consent” explanations take place before a serious medical procedure, and pregnancy centers don’t offer medical procedures. We agree, but the Court won’t answer that question in NIFLA v. Becerra.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

It's going to be like Whitewater ...

"With Trump declared guilty by Democrats and all but convicted in the press, what happens if Mueller confirms the findings of the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee -- that there's plenty of Trump campaign incompetence, but no collusion?"

Long investigation, no Trump convicted. 

Not Subtle

This isn't where I would go with this, but the comments are a fitting return for the hateful side of the "dis-arm everyone" camp.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Fighting for Control of Your Mind

This is not the pregnancy center you are looking for ...