Sunday, July 12, 2020

"Nothing's Changed" Is Another Untruth

In fact, the northeastern states were the birthplace of anti-slavery movements and the first ban on slavery anywhere in the world went into effect in Vermont, in 1777. The Constitution was, as Martin Luther King Jr. astutely noted, a “promissory note” that would eventually pay off with freedom for black America. Economic and social advancement for black Americans is not a myth. The Economic Policy Institute found that the difference in high school graduation rates between whites and blacks fell from 27 percent in 1962 to 5 percent in 2004. Last fall, the rate of black and Hispanic unemployment hit an all-time low. Since 1980, the percentage of black adults with college degrees has tripled. Life expectancy of white Americans exceeded that of black Americans by more than seven years as of 1970; that gap has been cut in half, to three and a half years. The percentage of black Americans earning more than $75,000 more than doubled (adjusting for inflation) between 1970 and 2014, according to Harvard professor William Julius Wilson, who studies upward mobility among black Americans.

Yet the progressive class that runs the media ignores all of this progress because the media’s business model is to sell ads off catastrophe. Nobody watches CNN on a slow news day, which is why CNN is always telling us things are falling apart. If a genuine horror takes place, such as the death of George Floyd, there is no effort whatsoever to remind us how statistically rare such incidents may be. Of all black homicide victims last year, only 0.2 percent of them were unarmed victims of police. In Chicago last year there were 492 homicides and only three of them involved police.

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