Saturday, April 10, 2010

Claim Scientific Proof, They Are Too Ignorant To Question It,0,193293.story
My letter to the editor:
This is the dribble of a true believer. The mountains of evidence the author refers to might prove that the earth is or is not warming, but it cannot prove what is causing any observed change. To 'prove' that, the scientists in question have one option (since we can't do lab experiments on the climate): build models which accurately forecast climate change. Until those models are built, scientists and non-scientists can conject, and opine and theorize - but not prove. The fact that predictive models have not been built is an adequate demonstration in and of itself that 'scientists' do not fully understand the earth's dynamic climate and they do not and have not 'proven' what is causing climate changes. That means they are even further from proving that they know the temperature today is better than the temp that would result if the climate is really warming - who's to say we are now at the best termperature? Please answer up with your best conjecture, speculation or rant, but kindly avoid pretending you can prove anything.

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