Friday, April 16, 2010

Unintended Consequences Beget Laws Beget ...

more unintended negative consequences ... begets more laws ....

"The partisans on the left who preach with certainty about the effects of the new health care law -- it will reduce the federal deficit; it will allow you to keep your current coverage; it will lower premiums -- speak from ignorance. No one really knows what the bill will do, including the members of Congress who voted for it."
"A new Congressional Research Service study has found that the law appears to boot members of Congress and their staffers off the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program before the alternative insurance options created by the law will be ready."

What more need anyone say about the folly of politicians running a health care system.  Unintended consequences is a runaway train destined for additional future government intervention, just as the mistakes made by past and mostly dead politicians is what created the conditions leading to this most recent affront to liberty.  The most certain prediction to made is that this bill will not do what they think it will.  They insult our liberty to get who knows what ...

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