Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thank You Mr. Veep

Thank goodness for the Veep, because there's just not a more entertaining politician on the planet.  I love it when he takes that deep breath, puts on the somber look, and prepares to say something significant - not that he knows what he's about to say, because he seems to be counting on providence and a long history of being able to pull something out of nowhere.  And then, it's out there, the Veep has given birth to another comment that proably no one can believe he said, perhaps even him!

The vice president said he is “absolutely comfortable” with same-sex marriage, committing the classic Washington gaffe of accidentally speaking the truth. This bit of straight talk made Obama’s position — neither for nor against such unions but in an evolutionary state, not unlike the Galapagos finch — all the more untenable. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/may/7/farewell-to-european-superstate-373589602/

And this is what we count on national leaders to do, of course, which is to babble on about who should marry whom, and when, and why it is either good or bad for the nation and for "us".  Heck, what would we be like if we didn't have our Dear Leaders to figure this whole marriage thing out, and then make us all do it like they think we should?!?

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