Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mythical Austerity Is DEAD!

Many on the left, including European socialists, the New York Times and its economist Paul Krugman, are falsely claiming that Europe and even the United States are being saddled with austerity. Their claim is that governments are not spending enough to reduce unemployment. They want higher taxes on the most productive plus bigger government. They suffer from a collective memory loss. Don’t they remember that socialism did not work? Every time the big-government “solution” has been tried for the past two centuries, it has failed, but those on the left seem to be incapable of learning.


It's like saying free markets failed - but you'd have to try them before you would know.  At any rate, have another drink because you are so drunk now one more won't matter.  Or throw more gas on the fire, perhaps just one more dose will magically transform spending into the cure.  Anything but austerity man!!  Any idiot can tell you that spending less than you make is MADNESS!

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