Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Devious Politician? No Way!

The notion that his author's bio, which played up high the phony foreign-born status, was simply a typo is about as credible as Obama claiming he never heard his radically anti-American preacher say anything unpatriotic while sitting in his pews for over two decades. Or that he hardly knew his Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist who launched his political career from his living room. And who sat with him on the board of a few radical organizations. And who claims to have actually written the very memoir Obama and his agent began promoting in 1991.
Just who is this man sitting in the people's house? Increasingly, he appears devious and dishonest.


I don't have anything to say about the President specifically, but does anyone think it's possible to be elected by telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?  To win in the political game, you have to be willing to say what is needed to be elected.  Thus the joke made regarding the VP's outbursts:  "The unforgivable sin in Washington DC of accidently saying what you really think."

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