Monday, June 27, 2011

Apparently, There's Nothing 'Left' Worth Saying

'"America, it is time to focus on nation building here at home," Obama said, speaking from the White House East Room.

I'm stunned by the degree to which the President is left with nothing to say.  Most frequently when I hear him speak, I feel embarrassed for him.  His speeches must be written for an entirely different audience - one that hears what it wants to hear.  I largely felt this way during the campaign as well.  "Can anyone really take that sort of talk seriously?" 

The thing that strikes me most often is the disconnect between what he's doing and why he says he's doing it.  What does "nation building here at home" have to do with troops in Afghanistan?  Aren't we spending billions to supply and equip them and get them to and fro and isn't that just an easily defensible "stimulus"?  Is national defense spending quantifiably different than other forms of "stimulus"? 

Who knows what is meant by "nation building at home" but in the sense he's meant it so far, there's no evidence it can be done by government.

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