Friday, June 18, 2010

How Many Opinions Of How Many Scientists Are Required for Science?

"A majority of scientists maintain that global warming is a man-made phenomenon."
Opinions are not related to science except as a means to decide what to measure, how to set up and execute experiments, or how to build models. Otherwise, the opinion of every single scientist drawing a breath is completely unrelated to the scientific method. It is not the opinion of scientists or anyone else that the Laws of Thermondynamics hold - those laws were derived from the application of the scientific method, from which opinions are conspicuously absent.
The opinion of a majority of scientists is to science what CO2 levels are to increasing global temperatures - "a trailing indicator!" (Quote is borrowed from Dr. Jeff Glassman,
Not to mention - how in the world would one go about quantifying the statement that "a majority of scientists maintain" anything? Define scientist, show the data that they were accurately polled, and clarify which scientific opinions on the matter are relevant - are we going to poll for example, those with a doctorate in modern art? Who then? This entire subject is so riddled with unclear thinking it's virtually impossible to find a thoughtful discussion on the matter.

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