Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Palin Driving the Left Batty

That sounds like Sarah Palin's new plight. She's running fifth in the 2012 presidential polls, and that's just among Republicans. Sixty percent of Americans view her "very unfavorably." She's getting close to being politically radioactive.
How could such a star burn out so fast? Two reasons: She started out with a lot to learn about national and international affairs, and she didn't bother. And she's got a mean streak.

Was she ever really a star?  I couldn't believe how afraid of this lady the left was, now it's still a surprise to see how they are enjoying what should have been an obvious and mediocre appeal as a presidential candidate. 

I was one of many who enjoyed her nomination, but primarily, because of her contrast to both McCain and her opponent - Veep nominee Biden.  I'd take her in a heartbeat over him if that were the choice.  But I never thought, and have never been able to see why others thought, she would be a standard bearer for the GOP.  If I were her though, I'd be happy about that - could there be a fate worse than being elected President?  TV news gal or President - TV news gal wins on all counts except that I think TV news folk are more encumbered by their sense of their own significance.

The left should be celebrating that their neanderthal opponents on the right are finally shedding their desire to send women back to the kitchen barefoot, but instead they have worked themselves into a lather over Ms. Palin.  Weird.

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