"The man who asks of freedom anything other than itself is born to be a slave." Alexis de Toqueville
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
He Was Right about China
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Reading, Understanding
"A socialist is someone who has read Lenin and Marx. An anit-socialist is someone who understands Lenin and Marx." President Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Where Socialism Works
"Socialism only works in two places. Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it." President Ronald Reagan
Science? What about passion and strongly held belief?
Science has been misused and poorly taught for centuries.
Now we teach passion and strongly held belief and call it "climate science". There is, of course, real climate science and hopefully those engaged in it will eventually start calling out those who use strongly held belief wrapped in the sheep skin of science.
The new version of speaking truth to power ....
Whatever you do, don't dare to speak the truth about tragic events.
"We will never hear the last of these names. Eric Garner. Alton Sterling. Michael Brown. George Floyd. Rashad Brooks."And now Daunte Wright.
"We will never hear the last of them because there will always be more. And because certain people are invested in forcing us to hear about them.
But what they demand we hear isn’t the truth.
"Is it a tragedy that Daunte Wright is dead? Of course it is. Should he have been shot dead on Sunday by a Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, police officer? Why, no, he shouldn’t have been."
Worried about inflation? Just spend more!
I don't have any idea what to say about the so-called president's ideas. Maybe he's "crazy like a fox", but I doubt it. Who knows how many cronies you can pay off with a 6 trillion dollar spending spree.
"On the menu today: No, really, you can’t keep track of the Biden administration’s trillion-dollar spending bills without a scorecard — and this administration appears to be whistling past the graveyard on the threat of inflation; there’s some easily overlooked good news on COVID-19 over the past two weeks; another police controversy, this time in California’s Bay area; and looking ahead to Thursday night’s NFL Draft."https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/bidens-trillion-dollar-train-wreck/
Monday, April 26, 2021
AGW Alarmism as Obvious as Ever
What the science can determine versus what the Alarmists say - it’s just stupid. People make claims in the name of science that science cannot possibly have determined.
Science is conjecture, attempt to disprove, reassess or refine conjecture, attempt to disprove. If unable to disprove, conjecture may become hypothesis.
Alarmism is pure conjecture, strongly held belief. In other words, some weak assed shit.
Deming reportedly said “It’s not what we don’t know that gets us, it is what we know that isn’t so.”
Who will you believe, your lying eyes or the climate alarmists?
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Do you believe in cooperation or coercion? It's that simple
"I won’t quibble over the word “free,” for my interlocutor didn’t mean these benisons of modern society cost nothing but that the cost isn’t borne by the user in the form of fees. He knows full well that we pay for them with taxes and borrowing. And it can be conceded that they’d provide strong if not necessarily compelling grounds to support socialism if it deserved credit for them.
"But does it? Does our impulse to help others start with a socialist impulse or any ideology? Or is the truth entirely different?"
Sunday, March 14, 2021
A Stinking Pile of Silly BS
“Only about 1 percent of the entire package goes toward COVID vaccines, and 5 percent is truly focused on public health needs surrounding the pandemic,” the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) warned on Wednesday.
“Meanwhile, nearly half of the package will be spent on poorly targeted rebate checks and state and local government aid, including to households and governments that have experienced little or no financial loss during this crisis,” the report continues.
"It seems like as soon as something appears in a newspaper it ceases to be true ..." T-bone Burnett
Look up any story about the storming of the Capitol by Donald Trump supporters, and you will find it described as a “deadly riot” that killed five people.
Worse still, one of the deaths was that a police officer who – the story goes – was killed by rioters after getting hit in the head by a fire extinguisher.
Then there is the story of the protestor who “carried Zip Ties into the Capitol,” which led to accusations that the protestors intended to take hostages.
There have also been endless media descriptions of the event as an “armed insurrection.”
Tamny Sends Off Rush
I can remember hearing Rush as far back as 1990 when I was in flight training in Corpus Christi, TX. He was already re-married and went through his first round of weight loss by 1991 when I had completed flight training and was learning to fly and fight a P-3C Orion in Jacksonville, FL. I was grateful to him for his ability to fight the absurdity of political correctness with logic. Ups and downs, joys and sorrows, trials and triumphs; Rush was fully human and therefore, fully imperfect. He was mostly in service of himself but he accidentally struck mighty blows for human liberty and I'm grateful for that, too.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Forget Due Process, We Want Justice!
Oh, so funny, that doesn't happen to the Bidens! C'mon man ...
Buying Influence
About That Socialist Thing
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Solution? Economic Growth
What used to end careers in basketball no longer necessarily does.
Notable about this is that all manner of maladies not related to sports used to amount to death sentences. As this column routinely makes plain, pneumonia used to be “Captain of Man’s Death” per the late surgeon and author, Lawrence D. Dorr. Tuberculosis was a quick life ender too. So was yellow fever. Cancer was a certain killer, but then most didn’t live long enough for some form of cancer to get them. See what used to bring on mortality first.
So what happened? Economic growth did.
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others ...
More animal farm:
The media? It is a Ministry of Truth. Informers and readers beg the Great Leader to let drop his favorite flavor of ice cream or the details of the Oval Office makeover. There is no need for censorship: the media are the censors. Whatever sinister idea a paranoid politician has for muzzling journalists, reporters themselves have already trumped it. Pravda is their model. Who can be disinterested when there is a war to be fought for diversity and equity, against climate change and white supremacy?
Monday, February 15, 2021
What if you held a pandemic and no body came?
That was stolen from an old anti-war quote, supposed penned by Leslie Parish: "what if they held a war and no one attended?"
That's Tamny's question. He's more sure of the answer than I am. However, I hope that some of us will remember how much extra damage was done by political over-reaction.
It is also fascinating to consider, following the yin yang that is inescapable in seemingly all things, that were we poorer and therefore dying younger, as people in this nation were 100 years ago, it is likely that no one would have noticed the virus.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Patterson Eversman War Stories
Just read it
Hanson's Animal Farm Reverie
The Left’s 1960s dream is America’s 2021 nightmare.
George Orwell published Animal Farm in August 1945, in the closing weeks of the Pacific War. Even then, most naïve supporters of the wartime Soviet-British-American alliance were no longer in denial about the contours of Moscow’s impending postwar communist aggression.
The short, allegorical novel’s human-like farm animals replay the transition of supposedly 1917 revolutionary Bolsheviks into cynical 1930s Stalinists. Thereby, they remind us that leftist totalitarianism inevitably becomes far worse than the supposed parasitical capitalists they once toppled.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Tamny Strikes Again
“Yes, but” what about the housing “bubble” in the 2000s? Glad you asked.
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Hunter and Joe, Palling Around Like Father and Son
Given what Joe knew of Hunter's problems and businesses, this is indescribably poor judgement or just plain rubbing every citizen's nose in the muck over "the family business." And he got away with it.
"Hey, I'm the VP, and I'm making millions for my sons and friends overseas - and giving them free transport - and you can't stop and will elect me president anyway."
His ridiculous claim that he "didn't know anything about" his son's business dealings should have been an insult to every citizen. Were the dems just looking at that thinking "this has to go south" and then saw that it wouldn't and finally pulled in the sails leaving him as the only one?
Saturday, January 23, 2021
I didn't realize it, but things are just exactly like they were in 1968 ...
Two weeks ago, and for the first time, voters in Georgia sent a black man to the United States Senate. Martin Luther King would have certainly considered that progress: The new senator, Raphael Warnock, is the pastor at Dr. King’s iconic church.
In 2013, Tim Scott was appointed to fill Strom Thurmond’s old Senate seat. The following year, Sen. Scott won election in his own right, having become the first African American senator elected from the Deep South since Reconstruction. He did it by winning more than 60% of the vote.
Will They Get Better?
I hope they regain sanity.
But if they don't we'll see the socialist experiment tried here in greater doses and perhaps it will be harmful enough, fast enough, to convince the average folk they were right all along - socialism punishes as much or more than it helps.
I've been doing my best to ignore all the insanity, I'm probably still in denial that the end of Trump was even worse than the beginning of Trump. Stunned that GA voted for two crazies to give power to dementia J.
But the world will turn, and it's a good time to become a stronger, better, more ethical, more potent human with the most possible capacity to regulate your emotions and focus.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Celebrities Are Superfluous
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Don't Just Do Something, Stand There
The government's responses (i.e., the severity index and the containment and health index) are strongly correlated with the second factorial axis (Figures 2, 4). The death rate from Covid-19 is not correlated with this axis. Therefore, the death rate appears not to be linked with the responses of governments.
The third axis shows a relationship between Covid-19 mortality and longitude as well as obesity and sedentarity (Figures 4, 5). American countries have a higher obesity rate and a higher Covid-19 mortality rate; Asian countries have lower obesity rates and lower Covid-19 mortality rates.