Sunday, April 19, 2020

That's My Story and I'm Sticking To It

First, many in the intelligence world with experience in China suspected right away that the story the Chinese government was telling about this virus was almost certainly a lie. The first indication of that was the torrent of obvious nonsense coming from official sources in Beijing. Initially, Chinese officials claimed the virus had jumped from an obscure, scaly animal called a pangolin, which was sold in the Wuhan wet market. That explanation didn’t make sense. Wet markets are seafood markets. Pangolins are mammals. So for that matter are bats. In the face of skepticism, the Chinese then blamed Italian armed forces personnel, who’d been near Wuhan a few months before, for the Military World Games, an international sporting event. The Italians brought the virus, the Chinese said. When the Italian government complained, the Chinese shifted blame to the United States. The American military, and western tourists, infected Wuhan, they claimed.

When the truth is a lie! This is going to be like JFK's murder, massive speculation, fear and blaming and maybe no one will ever know for sure. I'm reasonably certain that JFK was killed by a commie ex-marine with a $12 mail order rifle. But who knows, there were lots of folks with lots of reasons to kill that guy. 

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