Sunday, March 15, 2020

What? The "Media" Has An Agenda?

There has been no shortage of reporting on the business dealings of Trump’s children and son-in-law. Can anyone imagine Trump dismissing questions about his adult children with personal insults and a CNN reporter turning around and saying it was a “human moment” showing “authenticity”? What about Biden’s threat to “slap” the union worker while pointing a finger at him in close quarters? If Trump did that, would the media describe him as “forceful but composed”?
Similarly, the media are anxious to defend Biden this time around by bowling right over the facts. ABC News’ chief political analyst Matthew Dowd said the exchange over guns with a union worker was a “net plus” because "voters are sick of the typical political speak ... Voters want somebody that they can trust, and is genuine, and has believability.”

It is sadly comic that Joe Biden, at least as dirty as anything Trump's been accused of, is looking to be the contestant to Trump. I am as shocked that he's still a candidate, given the Hunter issues, as I was that the GOP picked Trump 4 years ago. 

Shows what I know. 

Why Americans insist on electing a nearly endless train of buffoons and demand that they take more and more power to the government is baffling. All of the bad presidents in history are the case for libertarian solutions - to a tiny majority who can see it.  

I'm completely bored by the obvious assertion that the "media" has an agenda - they need ratings and they say whatever is needed to get the most people to watch their entertainment shows - but of course, someone has to keep saying it. It isn't interesting, just true. 

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