Monday, August 19, 2019

The Frailty of Human Nature

No one would say "the emperor has no clothes"? Epstein provided a product that was worth the risk? People in those circles don't rock the boat for fear someone will come for their boat? 

Why was anyone willing to tolerate Clinton palling around with this perve, given Clinton's proclivities? #metoo is a joke compared to the tolerance for this person and his accomplices.

"Money offers one explanation for why people seemed to ignore what was plain to see. But money, here, is really shorthand for a range of ways to exert influence. Epstein used it to buy prestige, donating millions to Harvard and hosting dinners for scientists and scholars; and to buy protection, hiring ruthless legal representation. Even now, though, it’s not clear what his business was. Some of the people who dealt with him were wealthier than he was and, one would think, at least as financially adept."

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