But as its name implies, the government’s accounting of the social cost of carbon focuses almost entirely on conjured “costs” while ignoring proven “benefits” of carbon dioxide emissions.
The administration has determined that each ton of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere today from human activities leads to a future cost to global society of about $40 (in today’s dollars).
This assigned $40 premium on carbon dioxide emissions proves to be a powerful sword that the administration has been wielding to slash the apparent costs of a flurry of proposed new rules and regulations aimed at reducing emissions.
Here’s how it works: any new proposed regulation viewed as reducing future carbon dioxide emissions gets a cost credit for each ton of reduced emissions equivalent to the value of the social cost of carbon. That credit is then used to offset the true costs.
This is why people hate anything to do with the idea of climate change.
1. Start with a conjecture: What if CO2 is a greenhouse gas that will un-naturally force changes in the climate?
2. Conduct appropriate research to get the facts - everything from bristle cone trees to ice cores to sediment from unique bodies of water to CO2 concentrations, and do your best to model it. So far, so good, this stuff not only can be done it should be done.
3. Pretend that consensus has anything to do with the scientific method, announce that there is one within the "scientific community" that humans are causing "climate change". (all aboard the scientific crazy train! Conductor Gore, would you kindly blow your horn)
4. Make a bunch of federal regulations that make all of us poorer, and energy harder to make (so much for a supposed concern for the poor - but not even the poor can stop the Anthropogenic Climate Change Crazy Train!).
I used to laugh and refer to Algore and the Chicken Littles, but the power the Fed is wielding for this AGW vendetta is no longer funny.
Usually, it is hard to get the genie back into the bottle once out - and it'll be three more years before anyone will even try. The way not to despair about this state of affairs is to ignore it.
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