Friday, October 26, 2012

Coercion - "Isn't that the greatest!"

Cafe Hayek — where orders emerge

In the quote from the Cafe today, the author beautifully points out that the State has only one tool - a tool that most of us would find repugnant if we encountered it in any other context. 
Is it right to use coercion to make other people behave to your satisfaction?  Is it right to hold a gun to someone's head to force them to stop drinking?  Is it right to use the threat of force to compel people to buy this product verses that one? 
Yet, most who would say "no" to that question are fine with CAFE standards, are fine with taking money from me and you to give to makers of electric cars, and etc. 
Why do we have blinders about the meaning and reality of coercion in "public policy"?

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