Monday, March 19, 2012

Just Wait Here, He'll Be Back

Of course, the administration’s pandering argument would be more convincing if Obama hadn’t engaged in the same tactic as a candidate in 2008, criticizing George W. Bush for the fact that gas prices had more than doubled during his eight years in office.
Meanwhile, the inconvenient truth that oil is a global commodity whose price is not entirely dictated by U.S. energy policy is one you will rarely hear in campaign ads.

There's an old joke about a football player facing a team with a running back nicknamed "rabbit."  I was always told as a youngster that if you could get a good rabbit dog in hot chase of a rabbit, you just had to stand there and wait, because the rabbit would always run in a circle.  The football joke was told in the context of a heroic effort make which resulted in a missed tackle on "The Rabbit", and the punchline was "I'll just lie here and wait, he'll be back directly."

It's kind of like that with politicians.  If you wait long enough, they'll double back on their trail, as noted above.  There's no real point in noticing since voters clearly do not vote based on fact, but rather on who they consider to be the lesser of the two evils. 

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