Friday, August 19, 2011

Making the Connection

The author of this piece goes on and on about just how incredibly horrible Perry is, and expresses his dismay that such a man might be elected President.  Perry's crimes include - and this is truly wretched, as I'm sure you agree - saying:
-that he's not entirely sure anyone really knows exactly how old the earth is
-he thinks that AGW is a hoax perpetrated by grant chasing researchers
-the President is not respected by the military
-that Bernanke's committing treason through his manipulations at the Fed

Of course, the author will never make the connection that, assuming he's right on all counts about how wretched Perry is, that is exactly why we need a limited government.  People elect wretched people to be their political leaders.  Always have.  Always will.  On what rational basis could we possibly think otherwise?  That truth underlies the point of limitied government, for those who can make the connection.

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