Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What Is A Journalist?

Holding people in political power accountable is the prime function -- the defining feature -- of a journalist, including a pundit; if you expressly and publicly vow never to do that, how can you possibly be credibly presented as being one?  And how can the political analysis of someone who takes this pledge possibly be trusted as sincerely held, let alone accurate?  Note that this vow was not from three years ago; it was from two months ago.

That sentiment is an interesting ideal, but Mr. Greenwald - get real!  Journalist's exist to make money for their employer however that may be done.  No one watches MSNBC for objectivity - rather, no one who understands the concept watches MSNBC for objectivity.  Frankly, it's a step up for one of their employees to admit what his agenda is.

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