Monday, October 18, 2010

Making Sense of the Tea Partiers
I think for those who can't sort these folk out, they can't quite get their hands around the idea that many Americans really don't trust the government.  The feeling amonst the liberal believers was they had finallly found the man who bring the centrists over to the liberal/big government side.  They thought the triumph of President Obama was in seducing the many to another perspective.  And why wouldn't they believe that - it would be easier to believe that than to believe the truth.  The truth is that most of the middle did not understand, could not or would not believe, how far to the left then candidate Obama was.  At the time, that's what puzzled me.  He was clearly proclaiming what now seems obvious, but folks ignored it.  Maybe they had to ignore it because the alternative was a candidate not even the GOP wanted. 

The Presidency is a job that would be so distasteful to any 'normal' person that I don't think anyone that we should want to vote for will ever be a realistic candidate. 

"Please elect me so that I can not have a personal life, I can be criticized soundly for those things completely out of my control, I can be presented with problems for which there is no solution (but I'm still supposed to act like I think there is a solution), and I can age 8-12 years years in the first four that I'm in office." 

Such a deal.

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