Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Govt - Brought to you by Boogey Men for 1000s of Years ...

The only thing different in this report and the average person's anxiety driven fantasy is that your tax dollars were purloined to produce the report. Fantasy is still free in this country. They cannot even prove causality for temperature fluctations - this is nothing but a political sales pitch. Washington Post does a 'nice job' of reporting by not even mentioning the number and significance of the assumptions required to even generate this kind of report. It's the oldest trick in the govt book - identify the boogey man and position the govt as the only posible savior ...

A short piece on just how not settled the science of AGW is:

A short piece on just how absurd 'waxman-markey' is:

"Cap and trade schemes do nothing to foster energy independence, though they hold the distinct possibility of making us more "dependent" on foreign oil imports. Having to pay for expensive carbon credits will be an incentive for many American companies to close their carbon-emitting businesses and move abroad to places less devoted to destroying themselves."

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