Saturday, September 5, 2020

Insight On Peace

Remembering my dear friend Al's joke: A man finds a lantern the beach and a genie comes out and offers to make real any wish the man has. The man asks for a bridge from California to Hawaii, because he hates flying and hates boating but wanted to go to Hawaii. The genie asks him to consider all the troubles of humanity and consider that the bridge would be incredibly wasteful and was an incredibly self centered request. Of all of the good he could do with one wish, surely there must be a better choice.
The man agreed and immediately asked the genie for peace in the Middle East.
The genie frowned and said "do you want that bridge with two lanes or four?"

"Anyone — you or I, for example — could play the role of impartial arbiter. What the U.S. can do that no other entity in the world can do is to underwrite the security risks of a peace deal for Israel. Israel will make far greater concessions for peace with the U.S. standing strongly behind it than without. That’s what makes the U.S. a valuable mediator to both the Israelis and the Arabs."

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