Sunday, November 24, 2019

Greta You Should Have Taken the Slow Boat to China

In summary, the paris climate treaty is still the same joke it always was, and the Chinese will make sure it is never worth discussing again. They are going from around 4000 coal plants and adding at least ten percent to that. That's more than the rest of the world could close even if they could do so. 

"The International Energy Agency notes that coal accounts for 46% of global carbon emissions. To meet the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change target of keeping global warming below 1.5°C through 2100, the world much achieve, as Global Energy Monitor puts it, a “58[%] to 70% reduction in global coal power generation by 2030.”"

If the world's most political scientific body, the IPCC's absurdly specious predictions happen to be true, that means we are all going to be toasty warm and all the climate alarmists can say "I told you so" assuming we live to see the day. 

I hate to repeat any of this conjecture, which is being treated as if it has any basis in reality, at all - the point is, even if one bites on the pretense that the IPCC can predict the future of climate based on their paranoia about the ferocious power of CO2 to warm planet earth; and they are right that warming will be worse for humans and not better; and that wealthy, healthy humans cannot adapt; there's nothing the non-Chinese world can do to stop it. Better build your survival strategy around being wealthy and adaptable.

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