Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Case Closed?

I don't like the language "climate hustler" as much as "true believer" or "religious zealot".

This has been a tough week for climate hustler Michael Mann, who lost his defamation and libel lawsuit against respected climatologist and warming skeptic Dr. Tim Ball at the same time it was announced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that there has been no U.S. warming since 2005.
Mann, who poses as a climatologist at Penn State, has had his court case 
against genuine climate scientist Dr. Tim Ball dismissed, with Mann ordered to pay court costs, for failure to produce supporting evidence to prove his claim that global temperatures took a sharp upward turn when the Industrial Revolution and fossil-fuel use began pouring CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
I want less pollution like Mann does, but I'm unwilling to throw everything under the bus for the pretense that they know what is causing what in the atmosphere, especially since they can barely even measure what is happening in the atmosphere.

Also covered in the review is Mann's boasts about trickery the data in 2009, Mann's careful use of data, much like Keys did with his 7 countries study, to hide temperature variation in the hockey stick.

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