Sunday, September 22, 2019

Heartbreaking to read. I cannot believe the claim of "no warning signs" was ever made.

“This incident that occurred, this outrageous tragedy that we have had to deal with, we really had no signs, no warning, no tips,” announced Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie on CNN on Feb. 15, 2018.
Runcie was speaking of the tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that had left 17 students and staff dead the day before. 
“No signs, no warning.” Well, that’s simply not true.
The confessed shooter in Parkland, Florida, had a long history of violence that school officials were well-aware of—a history that should have alerted them to the potential risk. 
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Andrew Pollack and Max Eden document this in their new book “Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies that Created the Parkland Shooter and Endanger America’s Students.” Pollack is the father of Meadow, a girl who lost her life on the third floor of Stoneman Douglas that day. 
The warning signs were abundant—from animal torture and attempted suicide, to bringing knives and bullets to school and an overall obsession with guns. Police had been called to the shooter’s home 45 times to deal with incidents involving him or his brother.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Another Not-Crisis

“What he is proposing is the infliction of a massive injustice on millions of Americans who had nothing to do with this or any other shooting by infringing on their rights. Justice Department statistics show that rifles of all types are used in murders less often than clubs, bare hands, or knives.”

If you listened to the media types, you'd never guess that gun violence rates are at an all time low.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Why Convince When Coercion at Gunpoint Is Easier

Legislating incandescents out of production is a tribute to the arrogance of the "knowitall" climate goons. Every problem is a chance for the well intended to force people at gun point to do the bidding of the elites. That is wrong.

And the Left says they don't like guns or violence -

Monday, September 9, 2019

CAFE Laws Just Keep on Giving (Worst of Both Worlds)

In the Obama era, Edmunds explained, fuel economy regulations “changed from just a straight average across the board to what’s called a platform-based fuel economy standard. So your fuel economy target for a given vehicle is based on its wheelbase and its tread width, which is the width between the tires left to right. So if you multiply that you find the area of that rectangle and there’s a table that shows what your fuel-economy target is. The bigger the vehicle, the smaller the target.”

First they gave us older, gas guzzlers that polluted more but were kept longer because their functionality could not be replaced after manufacturers shifted their fleets to meet new legal requirements. Then, they gave us SUVs to replace the big family station wagons doomed by the CAFE laws.

It is delusion to think this type of regulation is ever going to win for the citizenry. 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Like A Mob Boss

“Ball of Collusion” is a detailed, connect-the-dots read. McCarthy, a former top federal prosecutor in New York, knows the workings of the CIA and the Department of Justice.
It looks to me like a Chicago Way takedown. In the old days, boss mayors would call in trusted detectives — even those on the payroll of the Chicago mob — and ask for dirt on opponents, which would be leaked to friendly local scribes.
Just as the Steele dossier, paid for by Clinton, was leaked to CNN and BuzzFeed.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

More Storms? Fewer Storms?

The devastating impacts in 2017 from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria invoked numerous alarming statements about hurricanes and global warming. However, it’s rarely mentioned that 2017 broke an 11 year drought in U.S. major hurricane landfalls. This major hurricane drought is unprecedented in the historical record.
Of the 13 strongest U.S. landfalling hurricanes in the historical record, only three have occurred since 1970 (Andrew, Michael, Charley). Four of these strongest hurricanes occurred in the decade following 1926.

Case Closed?

I don't like the language "climate hustler" as much as "true believer" or "religious zealot".

This has been a tough week for climate hustler Michael Mann, who lost his defamation and libel lawsuit against respected climatologist and warming skeptic Dr. Tim Ball at the same time it was announced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that there has been no U.S. warming since 2005.
Mann, who poses as a climatologist at Penn State, has had his court case 
against genuine climate scientist Dr. Tim Ball dismissed, with Mann ordered to pay court costs, for failure to produce supporting evidence to prove his claim that global temperatures took a sharp upward turn when the Industrial Revolution and fossil-fuel use began pouring CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
I want less pollution like Mann does, but I'm unwilling to throw everything under the bus for the pretense that they know what is causing what in the atmosphere, especially since they can barely even measure what is happening in the atmosphere.

Also covered in the review is Mann's boasts about trickery the data in 2009, Mann's careful use of data, much like Keys did with his 7 countries study, to hide temperature variation in the hockey stick.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Millionaire Victim

Millionaire victim who lost by 55,000 votes.

There are some who are so desperate to see victims, they see it everywhere they look.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

If you can do this 8% of the time you can be president ....

Of the 37 fact-checked claims attributed directly to Donald Trump, 14 were labeled “False,” seven were “Misleading,” four were “Exaggerated (Misleading),” three were “True,” two were “Mostly False (Misleading),” and one each was “Correct Attribution (Misleading),” “Distorts the Facts (Misleading),” “False (Lack of Evidence),” “Half True (Misleading),” “Mostly False,” “Mostly False (Misleading) (Lack Of Evidence)” and “Three Pinocchios.”
While it is difficult to directly compare such a wide range of verdicts -- and Trump’s number of fact checks far exceeds Biden’s -- it is worth noting that both candidates had 38% of their claims labeled “False”; 46% of Trump’s statements were merely “misleading” in the view of the fact-checker (rather than false) compared with 38% of Biden’s. And 8% of Trump’s statements were judged to be true versus none of Biden’s.
And these are the people who are supposed to further take over health care ... what could possibly go wrong.
It will be interesting to see how this unravels over time.

"The information suggests that a nuclear reactor was involved in the blast, which lends weight to the theory that Russia was testing a missile known as Burevestintnik, or Skyfall. President Vladimir Putin told Russia’s parliament in 2018 that the nation was developing the missile, which is propelled by an on-board nuclear reactor and could have unlimited range."

Who Is Responsible for What ...

Part 1:
She described what happened next: "I am still so upset that I concluded the easiest, least confrontational way forward was to place male satisfaction above my own desires and to go back to bed." The sex made her feel "gross," she wrote, and Kaiman left immediately afterward. His recollection is that she was a full participant and that he stayed the night. When he went to kiss her goodbye the next morning, he says, he was surprised that she seemed distant and upset.
After he left, she stewed about what had happened. She was angry with both herself and him, and she wrote an email to tell him so. He felt "gutted" by her reaction, immediately apologized, and suggested they get together to talk it out. They met, and she ended up feeling his apology was insufficient. He thought that since she voluntarily resumed sex, their encounter was fully mutual, that his apology was appropriate, and that when they parted their friendship was on track.

Part 2:
Tucker provided both a societal and a personal explanation. She wrote that in the wake of #MeToo, she wanted to "add my voice to the broader outcry against sexual misconduct." She also said she had come to realize that "what happened was not my fault…and I do not share the blame. This was Jon's fault."

Tigers by the Tail for Two

Between the proverbial rock and hard place.