Friday, September 28, 2018

Mark Davis' Comments

In almost forty years of broadcasting and writing, I’ve spent a lot of time tracking the fates of the Republican and Democrat parties. In recent years, the main conservative thirsts have been for a more muscular and unapologetic conservatism and for the bright light of truth to be directed onto the darkest habits of modern leftists.
The election of Donald Trump has propelled us down a road featuring satisfying helpings of both. But on one stunning day, September 27, 2018, there arose Republican resolve like nothing in recent memory. The accompanying reputational suicide of several key Democrats tied a bow around a historic day for clarity.

The occasion was the totally unnecessary session of testimony by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his main accuser of sexual misbehavior, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. The occasion was needless because Dr. Ford’s story in no way rises to the level of credibility to dislodge the nomination. No decent society smears people for life based on high school misbehavior, so even if the wholly unsupported story were true, there would have been a strong argument against its relevancy today.

Harsanyi Says It Well

I don't care about Kavanaugh's future, he's a strong guy, he'll be fine whether a Supreme or not a Supreme. One is not entitled to being a Supreme and it is arguable he could have a better life not being a Supreme.

I dislike it when anyone is forced to defend themselves from this kind of an accusation, the taint of which is separate from the truth of it. Those who would seek high office must know to expect this by now. That's how it goes.

I want Kavanaugh to defend the constitutional system we have and serve to hold back the juggernaught of the federal government, and I think he will.

What's all the fuss about? We are afraid of what our fellow citizens will use the federal government to do to us.

Confirm Kavanaugh

Confirm the guy. The democrats apparently weren't so worried about men's poor sexual behavior when they began their infatuation with Bill C and his "wife". But if they were, they ignored it on the chance of getting the wife elected. A worse candidate I could not imagine, but if you have to elect the first woman, and she's the only one that's close to electable, well, hold your nose folks and pretend she's not the worst imaginable candidate.

She brought all of Bill's baggage, and all of her prior efforts to stomp into the ground people like Ford. How anyone on that side can do anything but kick themselves for getting Trump elected by supporting another Clinton is not understandable to the likes of me. They got what they asked for.

They created Trump.

All I want from any president is to be a good employee of mine, be a great CinC, and put judges into the courts that uphold the mandates within the Constitution. Trump did that. Incredible.

I've rarely detested anyone more than Trump, and he's given me two, maybe, of the best judges I could have hoped for - constitutionalists.

This circus about events from 30 years ago is absurd and desperate. I get why the democrat types are afraid, I would be too.

We afraid of the power the other side will use against us. That was the point of the two party system and the constitution - to limit what our fellow man could use the power of the state to do to us.

It seem precarious at this point.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Deaths, guesses and empty headed critics

Another installment of lies, damned lies and statistics. "Believe nothing you hear and half of what you read." Coach John Inman

I think he may have been a little to generous about believing what you read. In theory I favor anything that helps people stop believing that politicians are anything but idiots, but I don't think lying or being careless about truth is the best path ahead.

"Actually, “official death toll” is exactly what it is not. Meyers not only acted even more childishly than the president he was belittling, but he was being intellectually lazy as well. Moreover, such comments confirmed a key part of Trump’s claim: His critics have definitely exploited Puerto Rico’s suffering to hammer the president."

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Losing a Kid Who Took Himself Away From You

A good read, a somber read, read it.

Pick a Date, Any Date - GW Still?

"Or, you can pick a different start date to your liking.  How about 1998?  That will give you an entire 20 year run.  It's hard to say that the verb "is" should cover a period of more than 20 years.  On the UAH series you can see that temperatures have also fallen about 0.4 deg C since early 1998.  Again, even on this substantially longer scale, the earth "is cooling."  (Note, however, that there is a significant difference between the Wikipedia chart and the UAH satellite series as to what has happened since 1998.  On the Wikipedia chart the latest reading (2017?) is up about 0.3 deg C from 1998; while on the UAH series, the latest reading (July 2018) is down about 0.4 deg C from the then-records set in 1998.  That's those "adjustments" in the surface temperature record that I was talking about.  I would say that there is no credible position that the heavily adjusted surface temperature record that Wikipedia relies on should be used for this purpose over the far more accurate and un-tampered UAH satellite record.)"

As a friend said, if you own the data set, you own everything. If you can "adjust" the temps due to your calculations for known distortions, you win.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics - what do we know?

It is essential that we look at data, and it is easy to be fooled by what we find when looking at the data.

Publish the data with the conclusions, let others review it, that's the first step towards legit science.