Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Kind of Prediction That Is Easy

Before they start creating new single-payer systems, though, perhaps they should fix the broken single-payer systems already in place. The scandals at the Veterans Administration get plenty of coverage, especially given that the VA locks veterans into its own providers and forces them to pay retail for any outside medical care. But a report on the other major system, the Indian Health Service (IHS), shows much worse performance and for a longer period of time ...

The problem I see is that so many of the "health care" issues don't have much to do with health, or care, it's about populations and sub-populations that eat food that makes them sick. We give them meds to moderate the symptoms but the people still have diabetes, are over fat, and are frail and inflamed. There's a cost to the patient for making themselves sick by eating food that is killing them and sitting in a chair all day, but patients are not held accountable for the damage they do to themselves because that would be victim blaming - which is apparently a far worse crime than suggesting that those who work hard to stay healthy should pay for those who have not.

In many ways I agree with that last idea, because our government has been prescribing a diet that will kill you - low fat, high grain, high sugar, and little what fat you eat is supposed to be laboratory produced poly unsaturated fats no human ever ate before the 1900s. It's a crazy world in which our government is bankrupting itself by prescribing a killer diet to the population it is supposed to be protecting.

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