Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What This Proves

I heard the President say something in regards to the finding and killing of OBL that went something like this:  "If we can find and kill OBL, we can do anything we put our minds to."

Interesting proposition.  Does that mean then that we have not "put our minds to" ending the unbelievably common fraud in medicare? 

Does that mean we have not "put our minds to" accounting for the DoD budget which has never been adequately reconciled? 

I realize it isn't fair actually subjecting a politician's words to an objective analysis, and that the whole point of political speech is to say as little as possible using the most vague, meaningless words imaginable.  I know that only morons expect politicians, especially once elected, to say anything but drivel.  Sorry.  Couldn't help myself.

I have thought many times that the President (who seems to me to be a man who truly believes that government can do good and the only question is whether or not the right people can get enough power to change enough stuff to do that good) could build unlimited credibility if he could reduce the fraud rate in medicare or social security checks or welfare payments to a rate equivalent to businesses (MC/VISA fraud rates reportedly under 1%, Medicare reportedly between 10-40% fraud).

In fact, I think the leader that could make that happen would be legend.  Why isn't that part of the game?  Seems to me the obvious answer is that they know it cannot be done, but they must ignore that fact of these glaring failures in the existing government systems to get elected and appear useful. 

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