Saturday, March 21, 2009

Letter to my Congressional Delegation

I wonder which of the poor staff persons will have to read it.

Dear Sir,
I am writing to make a simple case that the AIG exec bonus payments are the least of the issues that trouble me about the trajectory of our government. It was completely predictable and of no surprise whatsoever that in handing out money which is coercively extracted from its citizenry, that money would be given to the wrong persons for the wrong reasons with the wrong outcomes. This always happens when government takes the Freeman's money and distributes same in an 'effort to do good.' This abuse of trust is part and parcel of the coercive power of the government, and I might point out that coercion is the only tool of government and therefore federal power was justifiably and strictly limited in our Constitution. I see the current situation as a natural and predictable result of the removal of many Constitutional limits over the course of our nation’s history.

How much money has our federal government forcibly extracted (on pain of imprisonment) from the citizenry and either fully wasted, or given to business interests in the form of subsidy, or given to other citizens (such as the shareholders and employees of AIG and the Big 3) in a pure extraction/transfer fashion? How much money do we the citizenry lose each year through the fraudulent abuse of government 'entitlement' programs? How much of our money is lost in mis-management in federally funded colleges, universities, and public elementary and secondary schools? Where is the money which was extracted from us as a payroll tax (purportedly to be doled back to us, if we live long enough, in our old age), and for what purpose was that money spent? How much in federal money has been wasted, either by incompetence or because it is an impossible mission, on the ‘War on Drugs’? In the light of the incalculable waste that has been inflicted on the supposedly free citizens of our nation by past and present politicians, making political calculations, which have vastly exceeded 100 Enrons, 50 Fannie and Freddies, and a month’s worth of AIGs (not to mention the role of the government in the fantastic failures of these institutions), I can only view the current kerfuffle over a few million in bonus payments as an attempt at distraction. The true outrage of government abuse of the citizenry exceeds this event by an amount the average person can not calculate or even conceive. Viewed with the slightest sense of perspective, I cannot view the current fuss over AIG bonus payments with any outrage; I do however wish that AIG bonuses approximated the worst of what has been done to us.

I assume we are not seeing stronger leadership from the GOP on the issue of leadership because both sides have dirty hands. This makes me wonder if it is possible to reverse the ugly trend of the present towards more government intervention and therefore more of the coercive power of the state applied in the lives of my fellow citizens, in my life, and in my children’s lives. I am a natural optimist but I cannot find any optimism that more government is going to make life better for our citizenry. I ask that you consider how the present trend may be interrupted and moved back towards more liberty.

I ask for your continued assistance in seeking ways to scale back the authority and power of the federal government, and to focus the your efforts on the fundamental charter of government: to protect the personal liberty and property rights of each citizen, and defend our Constitution. We the People give our consent to be governed for those two specific purposes. I support any and all Constitutional Amendments which would constrain our government to the accomplishment of those two ends, and would remove from federal authority the many purposes it has assumed which are extraneous to those ends.

With humble respect and appreciation for your efforts to defend liberty,

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