Maoism was responsible for 50 million or more deaths, and Stalinism another 20 or 30 million, but I can’t think of a single important American novel or film depicting those holocausts. Offhand I can recall one American movie that seriously portrayed the inhumanity of collectivism — The Killing Fields, though one hopes there are at least some others I’ve forgotten. That movie is now 36 years old.
Somehow, I have to do better than feeling angry because people with different experiences feel differently than I do, even if they are stupid fuck ups.
I remember 10 to 20 years ago when, following any discussion of a contentious issue someone had to pronounce how the solution was better education. Now days I realize that "education" as dictated by the government will always be part indoctrination, and for some reason, government school systems are not always loaded down with passionate libertarians who love liberty more than coercion - or can even tell the difference.