Monday, October 28, 2019

"The Pseudo Science is Settled"

“Climatology has become a political party with totalitarian tendencies,” she charges. “If you don’t support the UN consensus on human-caused global warming, if you express the slightest skepticism, you are a ‘climate-change denier,’ a stooge of Donald Trump, a quasi-fascist who must be banned from the scientific community.” These days, the climatology mainstream accepts only data that reinforce its hypothesis that humanity is behind global warming. Those daring to take an interest in possible natural causes of climactic variation—such as solar shifts or the earth’s oscillations—aren’t well regarded in the scientific community, to put it mildly. The rhetoric of the alarmists, it’s worth noting, has increasingly moved from “global warming” to “climate change,” which can mean anything. That shift got its start back in 1992, when the UN widened its range of environmental concern to include every change that human activities might be causing in nature, casting a net so wide that few human actions could escape it.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

There's Plenty of Dirt Out There

Can you live and work in that cesspool and come out clean?

Why do we think any of them are not dirty?

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Politicization of Science

This is how the Nazis convinced the people of Germany to hate the gypsies and Jews - repeat the same lies over and over. Even the IPCC agrees with this:

"Climate forecasting is simply not possible, Nakamura concludes, and the impacts of human-caused CO2 can’t be judged with the knowledge and technology we currently possess.
The models grossly simplify the way the climate works."

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

CO2 Up, CO2 Down

Shaviv: "There is no evidence on any time scale showing that CO2 variations or other changes to the energy budget cause large temperature variations. There is, however, evidence to the contrary. Tenfold variations in CO2 over the past half-billion years have no correlation whatsoever with temperature; likewise, the climate response to large volcanic eruptions such as Krakatoa.Both examples lead to the inescapable upper limit of 1.5 degrees C per CO2 doubling—much more modest than the sensitive IPCC climate models predict. However, the large sensitivity of the latter is required in order to explain 20th-century warming, or so it is erroneously thought."
Censorship: "My interview with Forbes. A few hours after the article was posted online, it was removed by the editors “for failing to meet our editorial standards.” The fact that it’s become politically incorrect to have any scientific discussion has led the public to accept the pseudo-argumentation supporting the catastrophic scenarios."

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Will on "Conservative"

This is a definition of "conservative" I could get with, were it possible, since most conservatives are not. Part of the failure of this brand of conservatism is the loss generally in the culture/world of the meaning of "right", in that one can never have a right to what another creates or provides or the word has no meaning.

"“American conservatives are the custodians of the classical liberal tradition.” The core of conservatism is a commitment to the constitutional arrangements of the American founding, particularly the separation of powers, the preeminence of the legislative branch, and the independence of the judiciary. Further, classical liberalism acknowledges and protects a sacred space for the individual, who by nature possesses fundamental rights -- rights not up for barter."