Hank Aaron. His life was threatened because he was a great hitter, and played smart and stayed healthy and broke some drunk's hitting record. I didn't know why there was an uproar about Hank in my youth. He was a Brave, I cheered for him. Grown up, I heard the back story - urine dumped on him at MLB games. Death threats as he approached the record. When he hit that 715th in 74, they say his mom ran on the diamond not to cheer him ... but out of fear he would be killed. Killed for hitting a baseball really, really well, and being black skinned...
So you think it's bad today when some whack job sends pretend bombs?
So you think it's bad today when some whack job sends pretend bombs?
Oh, and Trump "attacks the press". Wowee. Look at what JFK did with the protection of the oh so noble press. How was anyone ever so naive as to believe all the mythical majesty of the "press". Rate gathering wonders, yes they are that. Purposeful? Doing meaningful work? Only by accident. There could hardly be anyone more reprehensible to me than Trump, he's easily the worst employee I've ever been stuck with. Still, he's a step above "the press" in terms of integrity since he clearly is just what he says, a compulsive self promoter - just like the press but honest about it.
I struggle to make sense of this time, too. I feel angry at the stupid. People say silly stuff like "we must all pull together to make our democracy work" as if the alpha and omega of this nation is what the government does or doesn't do (and as if the USA was a democracy - "and to the republic for which it stands").
People say silly stuff like "we must all pull together" as if they don't see how afraid I am of what you want the government to do to me, and what you think I want the government to do to you.
Pull together? Well, are you going to stop using the government against me? If not, how can I pull with you?
With this much power at stake, does it make sense to "pull together"? "Pull together", whatever that means. Really, you think 300 million people are going to have a common interest other than you shouldn't hurt me and I shouldn't hurt you?
People say silly stuff like "we must all pull together" as if they don't see how afraid I am of what you want the government to do to me, and what you think I want the government to do to you.
Pull together? Well, are you going to stop using the government against me? If not, how can I pull with you?
With this much power at stake, does it make sense to "pull together"? "Pull together", whatever that means. Really, you think 300 million people are going to have a common interest other than you shouldn't hurt me and I shouldn't hurt you?
You don't like violence? Every act of government is an act of violence, we ignore that we accept violence from the powerful. You want to smoke something that I don't think you should? Well, someone with a gun will take care of it and you can go to jail or get shot for "breaking the law". That is violence, lawful or not.
When someone says "we should all pull together" I wonder how they can miss how absurdly thin that gruel is when the pulling apart they are arguing against is about who gets to do what to whom with the violence of law. The Germans and Japanese "pulled together" about 70+ years ago, I don't want any part of "pulling together".
I'd rather we do what I see us doing every day which is looking each other in the eye with a polite greeting and mutual acknowledgement of the humanity before us and refuse to let these empty headed political types drag us into their nightmares of political conquest and imagined glory.
If you want to pull with me, let's pull for more and greater restrictions on what you can use the government to do to me, and on what I can use the government to do to you.
If you insist on having more reasons why government can commit violence on your fellow citizens, be aware enough not to ask them to happily participate in their own victimization.