Saturday, July 28, 2018

It was wrong even when it was right

Yes, exactly. It was inexcusable what all those folks did to cover up for Bill the abuser, it was compromise to get power over principle, and there was nothing to respect about those who did what it took to support Bill.

Yin yang style, it still may have been the right thing to do. What if that was the necessary stage to get to where we are now, where Bill-behavior isn't tolerated?

Truth and Nothing but the Truth?

In the context of this article, and the concept of thin slicing emotion/thought based on the frames of expression we pass through unconsciously, I wonder if technology may give us what virtue hasn't - the way to tell when we are being lied to. Sure, this article is about another topic, but what it points to is that tech may one day be able to give a true/false read on what people are saying, maybe even in real time.

What would happen if it really was best to always say what is true? Would it wreck us or free us?

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Both Sides Are Correct

On the one hand the basic premise of government is to defend the rights of the citizens, rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Killing a person that is unborn is still killing.

On the other hand, the government is so loaded with incompetence, it is none of the government's business what a woman chooses to do with her body and who knows about it.

That's why we'll fight about this until ... women decide abortion is wrong in great enough numbers to make legislation feasible. Women will tip the scales at some point when there is a realization of the scope of the problem and the realization that they can equally choose to stop it vice having it forced upon them by men.

The legal perspective of Roe v. Wade has always been weak.